The principle is one of the worst there is. You get yelled at for stuff that should be dealt in private. Highly inappropriate. The teachers don’t teach and there are only 2 extra mural activities. 2!! The teachers don’t teach pour water on you , you get yelled at for being sick , you get yelled at for not staying home while you’re sick. Nobody cares for the grade 11
I was bullied recently when I arrived at Noordwyk Secondary School.. I was teased, laughed at, compared by other pupils, they picked on me and they always tried to provoke me but I never did anything .. my classmates and other learners bullied me because of my race was different from their’s.. they talked behind my back and mocked me about my physical appearance .. they lowered my self esteem.. I wanted to commit sucide.. I attempted to several times.. I’m really concerned about my safety because I can’t take the bulling.. please can teachers explain to the learners to stop being racist and criticizing towards other students.. I tried reporting it to the teachers but the learners are trying to get at me.. I’m afraid they will harm me
I have been in this school for 4 years and it is the best school I have ever been to, there is discipline, neatness , good morals and values. Education management is good sometimes some place like the toilets don't look good but overall it is a good and improving school
I've been in this school for the past four years and I can say the has been a lot of improvement since I joined the noordwyk family. personally I have not experienced any bulling of any sort in this school.our school is really neat and organised.our principal ensures that we are all treated the same and equally.the is a good amount of discipline displayed in the school.we have awesome events and hobbies you could join.e.g.modelling, sports,debate choir and more.i enjoy my experience in this school.
This school was a good school however, the school had many issues. Sometimes issues that should've been handled immediately was not handled at all. Some staff members were underqualified for certain subjects and did not teach to quality standards and when the matter was reported nothing was done. Bullying does happen at rare moments in the school and when it is reported the matter is not handled or resolved. Everything is just push aside and everyone is focused only on a 100% pass rate rather than the students themselves or the welbeings of them.
It's been a good school ever since I started going to that school 2 years ago.
The school code of conducts are my favorite because of the discipline of the school a'd our selfs I have never come across any bullying in that school.
I graduated from this renowned high school in 2017.At first the school was under performing, and I had my doubts about teachers, scarcity of resources, etc. As years went by things gradually changed for the better.We even had our first excursion to Durban in 2017.My grade 12 teachers were the utmost best educators I could ever ask for. Lastly the principal really knows how to portray leadership, and has shown the best disciplinary ways throughout. I never thought I'd say this but I love that school to the core!
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