Wow! Hearing the most shocking things about the teachers in this school yet it's supposedly meant to be a "Christian" school. Will never send my child there and highly recommend thinking twice before enrolling your child into a school like this.
I have heard absolutely disgusting things about the teachers at this school talking out of turn to other parents within the school about external families that do not have children within the school. An example such as recording a child and forcing them to say that husbands/fathers are hitting the mother of the child in front of them etc. Major accusations to make with zero evidence to back that up which has NOTHING to do with the school or parents not involved. This is not the first time hearing about these types of stories coming from this school. YOU ARE THERE TO TEACH CHILDREN and NOT get involved in external parties business. This teacher knows exactly who she is. Please keep in mind that PE is VERY small. I would think twice before placing a child into a school like this. Sis.
Truly a wonderful school. Kind hearted teachers who give their all and really care about your child's development. Developed him in all areas, lights my heart to hear him speak about Jesus. I couldn't of asked for any better school. Very sad that my son had to move on to big school.
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