Save your time and your money for a school that is worth it. Their programmes appear fantastic but they will go against their own words and then gaslight you for it. My child was not even in this school for 6 months when all the mess began. From the very beginning, there was some sketchiness, communication what double-edged and they contradicted themselves a lot. Obviously, hiding behind their contract because they know exactly that they are not a good facility and you are only a number and account for them.
You are better off seeking other schools, because you will deeply regret ever dealing with them.
If you know you know . A child educational foundation is the best and Little Graduates just gives us the whole pie . From arts and culture to technology and a great curriculum.The pricing is not that high for all the package provided .
I have been a parent for more than 6 years at this school since my baby was 3 months and graduated here.
This is a school I call second home for my kids.It’s a school which strive to give grade A education to learners of all races and I have high regard to the teachers and the management
Keep up LittleGraduatesSchools.
We love your teaching styles and children are academically and emotionally mature for the next grade!
The school is designed for parents who works late and far from the city
children who can learn the best curriculum and become school ready way before they start primary school . Fees are affordable, spot s and meals are included . No preschool that offers the best like Little Graduates Schools
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You are better off seeking other schools, because you will deeply regret ever dealing with them.