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Mar 9, 2025

Grade 8, 2026

My son interested to study grade 8 in 2026

My son interested to be submitted to grade 8, 2026.
Former Student
Oct 19, 2024

Marais Viljoen :(

education is barely up to standard. discipline is awful. mental health is not taken seriously. :(
Feb 10, 2024


The best school in Ekurhuleni

I was Blessed the day the school accepted my application for both my kids. Yes they are strict with uniform, academics but allow learners to have fun. The best school in sport, their matric pass rate 99 percent. Marais Viljoen offers vast number of subjects some of these subjects prepare our kids for the working world and they can also start their own business's after matric than to stuck at home doing nothing because of the struggles to get finance for university in this country. God Bless Marais Viljoen High School
Former Student
Jun 12, 2023

Previous Student who regrets leaving

Dear Marais Viljoen,

I hope this letter finds you well and happy. I am writing to you as a former student who left the school a few years ago. I want to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude for the education and experience that you gave me.

I know that there are some bad things being said about you and your reputation. I also know that I was part of the problem when I left the school and said some hurtful things. I deeply regret my actions and words, and I apologize for any harm or pain that I caused you.

I want you to know that despite everything, I still cherish you as a school and a community. You taught me so much about academics, sports, culture, and life. You gave me a sense of belonging and pride that I will never forget. You shaped me into the person I am today.

I wish I never left you, but I can’t change the past. All I can do is learn from it and move forward. I hope you can forgive me and accept me as one of your own. You will always have a special place in my heart.

Thank you for listening to me and for everything you did for me. I hope to visit you again someday and see how you are doing. Until then, please take care and keep up the good work.

Sincerely, Vernon Eatwell.
Dec 14, 2022

Poor service

The receptionist of the School is very rude and don't want to help you.
Dane Louw
Aug 17, 2022

My personal and long winded opinion and experience

I am currently a matric student in Marais Viljoen High School. I've stumbled upon this page, read the reviews and I've decided to lift my opinion on both the school and what others have said.

It will include points on the inequality that has been brought up as well as other issues within classrooms, bullying, etc.

Quite honestly, I see an abundance of parents saying that the students lifting their opinions are wrong about their experiences.

I mean no disrespect, but I think your opinions on how other children have experienced their school career have nothing to do with you. Therefore your opinion thereof is not valid.

Just because they do not use the correct formatting or vocabulary to voice their opinions, do not make their statements untrue.

People are possibly exaggerating, do not take that possibility out of the equation, instead take some time to consider that your child's experience does not dictate the experience of others.

Keep in mind that your child could possibly have lied to you about it. I know many kids who do.

As for the students with good reviews, claiming that other students have no idea what they're talking about, I'd also like to take a second to make you aware that, though I'm happy your experience was good, many others are dissatisfied with how things are handled.

You also have no authority to tell these children they are wrong about how they are treated when you did not see how they were treated, only how you and MAYBE your friends were.

As for my experience, it has been both good and bad, but unfortunately it has been more of the latter than the former.

The good part was my friends, mostly. The school does a good job of creating community when it truly desires. Though I must warn that the school only acted as one during sport events and events similar to that.

The main source of community was smaller communities formed by students, which is so.ething I cannot credit the school for.

In addition to that, I have had encouraging, comforting and helpful teachers in difficult times as I was in and out of psych wards due to depression.

So yes, in my experience there are difenitely a good sum of wonderful teachers.

Some are willing to help when they see you struggling, and others are willing to wait for you to make the first move to make sure you are comfortable first.

The security is something I can genuinely say with all certainty, was wonderful. I never once felt unsafe on school grounds and for that I am very thankful.

The disciplinary system was, in theory, a good one. As with most schools there were some rules that seemed rather useless or unimportant.

The only problem is that the current principal is too strict. As I'm sure everyone knows, being strict isn't bad per se, but being too strict is.

Children cannot be in an environment where there is no control or there would be chaos, but this also applies to too much control. It always ends in chaos, as it did this year again. There must be a balance.

Classrooms are average. Some are good and some are bad, as with most things, however I do feel many teachers (especially older teachers) do not fully grasp how to handle certain situations in the correct manner.

Having a cheeky kid in class doesn't mean "be petty and pick on them for the rest of the year". This is a real thing that happens all the time.

These jokes teachers make can stick and be mentally debilitating when the child is going through something, whether it be bullying, something at home, mental problems etc.

Before you start thinking "kids can't take a joke these days", instead think logically and understand that the WAY in which a teachers does something impacts the consequences that will come from it.

If it is done as a joke and handled as a joke then it will be received as a joke. If it is done condescendingly and the repercussions (of for example more kids joining in and saying more or worse things) then it will be recieved as an insult.

Teachers "can't say anything anymore" because they don't do it in a way that is playful, rather a way that is insulting.

The school focuses on sport more than it does academics. That is expected, but unfortunately there is some irony connected to this statement.

If children organize something that is simply in good fun, it gets shot down by the principal because "the children must focus on academics" as though one day of a bit of fun will throw everyone off track.

It especially won't do it any more so than the constant interruption of this "precious academics and class time" caused by sport.

Finally, the subject of bullying.

To put it simply? Horrendous.

Genuinely one of the most horrific things that happens here frequently. Bullying is rampant and to those who say that it is dealt with accordingly, no it is not. You have clearly never fallen victim to it.

There are steps a learner must take, but the problem is that the steps that are taken are not effective.

I had a friend who's mother removed them from the school in 10th grade due to severe bullying.

This friend of mine had level 3 autism (for those who do not know, it is the highest level) and it was more than upsetting to see how both teachers AND students would treat them and how absolutely no one would say or do anything about it but me.

Absolutely disgraceful.

Lastly, the diversity. Only recently has there been a more diverse group of people in sports, leadership, etc.

This might be a hard pill for some of you to swallow, but I vividly remember that it was mostly white afrikaans children who filled those positions when I was in 8th grade up until 10th grade.

There is a great divide between English and Afrikaans kids and I think one of the main reasons could have been because of that. Obviously there are other reasons such as incredibly different beliefs, political views, etc.

I am on the Afrikaans side but associate myself with strictly English kids since I can enter a much more comfortable and less judgemental conversation with them.

As result, I hear a lot of what goes on on their side, and have experienced it myself more than enough on the Afrikaans side as well.

The racism (personally I do not experience racism since I am white), the homophobia and the absolute rampant misogyny.

Earlier this year, the entitled male teachers took it upon themselves to ask the female teachers to come talk to us girls.

Why? Apparently our dresses and skirts are "distracting". As much as you would like to convince yourself that men's hormones are different and how men cannot control themselves, it simply isn't true.

The disturbing part is that no one bat an eye at the thought of a grown man not being able to stop himself from looking up the skirt of a minor. A child, if you will.

The girls were blamed.

These same male teachers will "joke" with their male students about how women and girls are inferior in some way, should be cooking and cleaning, have kids and how we should just "shut up and do what men say" (a real conversation between a teacher and a student) and many other similar conversations.

I have had my math teacher personally tell me that because I am a woman, I will never be able to enter a strong position in any work place because I'm simply "too emotional" and "too weak".

If you think a teacher should be saying THAT to your child then I believe you've gone mad.

I am a lesbian. I have been out for 3 years and am in a happy relationship. Unfortunately it is often ruined due to how students treat me and my partner.

I have been publicly shamed by the peers in my class and had no one would do anything about it. Teachers never told them to stop, they didn't even ask politely. They just left it for me to deal with on my own.

As much as I'd like to say "at least it toughened me up and I'm able to stand up for myself so now people respect me", I would've liked at least one person in my corner.

Once again, my math teacher decided to constantly lift his opinion on me and how "my people" shouldnt be allowed to adopt, get married, etc.

How do you allow such conversations to drag on in your classroom? As a teacher, should you not encourage and uplift students instead?

Next is the racism. Racism is absolutely everywhere, among both children to teachers.

It's especially rampant on the Afrikaans side, and people think "if they can't hear it what will they do" as if this behaviour doesn't go on outside of classrooms.

I have had teachers whisper racist things to the class and say "I didn't want to say it loudly in fear of getting fired" as they pointed to the cameras.

I've seen them close doors before saying something racist to the class and no matter how many times you stand up to such behaviour, the whole class will turn on you and the teacher will do nothing. Why? Because they initiated the racist conversation.

In summary;
It isn't an amazing school, it is simply average. Average academics, average sport, average disciplinary, etc. with the exception of great security.

However it is not a good school environment. Not in any way. Children are taught to conform instead of grow as people, which is not the ideal environment for young people.
Jul 27, 2022

The school isn't as good as one would think

The teachers don't help with the work they just tell you the page number and say it's for homework. When they give you something to do they don't explain it but will give you unnecessary demerits if you get the work done. The teachers will give us demerits even if we do the work and skip what the teacher told us to skip. This scool is the worst in Allerton and probably the whole Johannesburg area. We are there to learn but we get treated like trash and as if we are not even human to them. Don't enroll your child here.
Former Student
Feb 8, 2022

Quality sport and education experience

Overall a great school with good spirits and family-like bond towards students making everyone feel welcome and important.

Especially a great school if you enjoy sports and culture. Sports are definitely one of their first priorities.

Academics are also of high quality because the teachers are experienced, committed and enthusiastic about what they do.
Jan 24, 2022

Erica du Plessis

Respek respek vir al die onderwysers, Dr Krause, Hoof Mev Heystek wat julle vir Francois Joubert gedoen het en my gehelp het ek kan nooit ooit genoeg dankie se nie. Erica du Plessis
Former Student
Oct 25, 2021


This isn't a bad school the only problem they have is inclusivity. Most English and black students were excluded when it came to sports or anything extra mural. Some teachers were excellent others were just focused on getting the work done but discriminate on black students. Racism is without no doubt still there.
Former Student
Sep 28, 2021


All these “good” reviews are so fake and such pick me’s, it’s quite obvious that they are from all the school favorites. This school most definitely favours afrikaans kids over english kids weather it be sports, academic or cultural activities and they prioritize sports wayyyy more than academics, out of over 60 teachers in the school there are at MOST 5 good teachers. They also do absolutely NOTHING about bullying as they say they do and they go out of their way to make your life hell while you’re there and they’re always so petty. You can also tell quite a lot about this school by seeing how many teachers leave a year and how they are always looking for new teachers ( yikes :| ) anyways if you want to enjoy high school and not feel like you are worth less than others then marais vapoop is definitely NOT the school to go to. Good luck to all the hostages in there that are still serving time, stay strong, you’re almost out of there <3
Sep 23, 2021


This school is racist and there is no equality in school however their efforts are noticed to make marais one big family they need to work on equality with raice, gender and english/ afrikaans.
Sep 10, 2021

Very happy parent

It is quite obvious, those complaining, have no idea what is really happening at the school. If you did, you would know that many of the sport teams have more english kids playing a throughout to c-side. All sporting codes. As for the classes, there you are also ill-informed. My kids are very happy in every aspect. Thank you.
Sep 8, 2021

Not a good school

They make the favouritism towards afrikaans students so obvious. Afrikaans kids get bigger classes even though there are less students in a class, English kids get smaller classes even though they pack 35 of us into it. Afrikaans kids disrupt a class? Teachers just teach through it. English kids disrupt a class? They get sent to the headmaster and get a disciplinary/detention.
Sports: They will first put an afrikaans kid onto the team before they put any english kid. And not to mention, they have some teachers teaching subjects they’re not even qualified to teach. The school does nothing about bullying either. I’ve filled in plenty forms about a student who bullied me yet they did nothing and still put me in classes with her.
Overall, the school is just really bad. They also value sports over academics.
Aug 26, 2021

my opinion

Ay sister was here and she hated it the school is sexist , racist and homophobic. And the school cares about sport they push the academic to the side . And they blame everything on the English
Mar 17, 2021

The best school in Alberton.

The teachers here are great, if you are respectful towards them.

I'm in matric and can 100% recommend this school. Other reviews here have loopholes where the people don't understand something or just don't like it and that you'll get at every school.

An effective disciplinary system is in place for any discrepancies such as bullying of any kind.

The school has great traditions and we keep by them even in times such as Covid.

This school focuses on academic and sport. The CAT and IT teachers (among other like the mathematics teacher) are the best in the district.

This school formed me to be the person I wanted to be. My grade 8 LO teacher motivated me to lose my undesired weight and from there on I shaped my personality.

I had the wrong friends in the beginning, then they moved to another school and at that time I had bettered myself enough to make great new friends.

This school has a great net result on the person you'll become and prepares you for the life after school.

I'll take Marais Viljoen's values with me to my grave and implement them on my way there.
Feb 18, 2021


Marais Viljoen is terrible

I removed my daughter the first term in Gr8 due to bullying and backward thinking teacher.

My daughter needed counselling afterwards. She was part of the Afrikaans side but because we liberals she was rejected incl the teachers.

I would NOT recommend them AT ALL.
Former Student
Feb 17, 2021

English Learner Point of View

As a POC and English student, who attended Marais Viljoen for 5 years,I would not reccomend this school. At first, I was rejected from the school because of the colour of my skin, my dad had to go to the Dept. Of Education in Alberton to fight for my place. I did not have much of a choice of high school because I had just transferred from Durban.

From Grade 8 to Grade 10, there were 3 indian children in my grade. Grade 11 to matric there were 4.

The English kids were punished for something the Afrikaans kids did.

The principal favours the afrikaans kids and athletes.

If you did not participate in sport, you cannot become a prefect in Grade 12.

A sport orientated school, academics is taught just because its necessary.

All the teachers are Afrikaans speaking and cannot pronounce the english words properly so they would say it in afrikaans and the kids would have to figure it out.

If you are related to a teacher by blood, you are an instant favourite.

Grade 8 are forced to go to "compulsory" sport events to support the school rugby team and if they do not go, they are given demerits.

Sport events always end late at night and your parents must fetch you from school at midnight, then you are expected to go to school the next day.

Most of the teachers grew up together or are mother and daughter.

There is not one POC teacher at Marais Viljoen.

I have good memories at Marais but as you can see they were mostly bad. I honestly do not reccomend this school if you are an English speaking learner who is a POC without any sporting abilities like myself, you will regret it because of the discrimination.
Vernon Eatwell
Former Student
Jan 7, 2021

Bad school to go to. Don't bat an eye.

While I've been a previous student for my grade 8 and grade 9 years, I have found a lot of issues with this school for being an English kid.

1) this school favours a lot of students that don't need to be favoured. For instance, if a student has rich parents, the parents put a lot of money for their kid and then a day afterwards they're in a top side in sport AND they get a bursary???

2) this school really needs to be more observant and have a thought process for grade 8's. They end up doing "geesvang" for athletics and end up arriving home so late at night. Unacceptable

3) for an ex-student who was playing cricket for the school, during my 2 years i experienced no recognition for my performances, EVEN THOUGH I was the best bowler in the matches we've played. But no, if you don't go to their cricket academy or play A-side sport, you're nothing to them

4) my lovely sister went to this school for her full 5 years of her schooling career. In those 5 years this school has done nothing but disgrace to her. When she started back in 2016, she was given, and PROMISED, a full 100% bursary and playing time in the A-side in hockey for her outstanding performances in primary school. She got the 100% bursary and played A-side hockey in grade 8 BUT as the years progressed in that her bursary decreased by 25% for no particular reason. By the end of her grade 10 year, her bursary was gone and started playing B-side hockey for the school. Like what?????

5) teachers are fine in this school. To be honest, it's a 50/50 call when it comes to education. Some teachers are terrible, some are amazing. Some areas are good, some are not.

6) the BIGGEST problem that this school has is it's inability to practice what they preach. They preach for importance in academics meanwhile in 2019 they had 12 matrics who failed. They say this school built upon greatness but it's average on a good day

So from this summary, if you had to compare a scam artist to any school, it'll be this one. Don't go to this school if you are a POC or English.
Former Student
Dec 29, 2020

No thanks

The kids have no manners, the teachers don't have any idea what is going on in their school work and read everything from books, the bathrooms are disgusting and in terrible condition
Dec 15, 2020

The honest truth

The English kids in the school always feel left out/picked on or that they dont get rewarded. Thats because they dont do anything to earn respect/rewards!We have great English as well as Afrikaans teachers that teach out of years of experience and teach to the best of their ability. Its a fair,loyal and disciplined school! 10000% MARAIS VILJOEN!
Nov 28, 2020

marais is racist and bias

marais is racist, and they treat the English kids unfairly and favour the afrikaans kids. it is very unfair and they pick on the English kids and the black kids get treated unfairly.
Nov 25, 2020

The truth

Marais Viljoen is a good school with good discipline and they do live up to everything they are popular for. Sadly our school doesn't have a lot of fun or even have a lot of traditions. They do not reward children enough for everything they do. If you want to go to a school for good academics and sport you should go to this school, but if you want to remember high school as the best time of your life you shouldn't.
Aug 6, 2020


If you're not afrikaans, they don't care about you. Their demerit systems aren't good. They always talk to us about starting over in the next year of school but then they carry demerits over from the year before. I don't think there's one teacher who can speak English properly so all English learners must learn things that teachers can't even pronounce or anything
Former Student
Mar 6, 2020

Everything you need to know about MV

This is a school that I'd recommend because of the learning environment. They have good teachers and they're very strict. The school is passionate when it comes to sports so if you intend on doing sports you'll love the school but there are also other activities you can do at the school. The only bad thing about my experience there is the issue of racism which hasn't been dealt with adequately.
Feb 23, 2020

100 %Marais Viljoen en trots daarop is!

Marais Viljoen is the best school ever!!
Former Student
Feb 22, 2020

Marais viljoen is terrible

This school has a great reputation but they do not live up to it. Teachers don't care and there are plenty of classes with students bunking or sitting on phones.

"Authorities" in this school turn a blind eye to bullying and drugs.

They abuse the juniors with compulsory geesvangs that go on until late at night, and very terrible grade 8 initiations.

They do not care about academics and are sports driven. Terrible school. Afrikaans children are also favored over black and English children.
12 Cradock St Alberante, 1449, Alberton

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